God is Pure Light
Light is very good. There would be no life on earth without light. The plants use it to make our food. We can't see without light. Light gives off warmth, too. A world without light would be unsustainable. On the other hand, darkness can be very detrimental. Since we can't see in the dark, we have accidents when we try to maneuver in darkness. We can't see to read and to understand things around us. It is cold and often scary. These things are the basis of why the Bible tells us that God is light. (I John 1:5) In fact, John assured us that God is pure light, and there's no a trace of darkness in Him. So what should we draw from this truth about the Lord?
God is the One who brings life, and without Him there is no chance for life. God is love, too, so He brings warmth into our hearts. God enlightens us to understand His will and His ways, so we can know Him and have a close relationship with Him. He is such pure light that when we walk with Him, we see everything clearly. At the same time, His light points out our sin and darkness. He never leads us to sin, because there is no darkness in Him. He always leads us away from sin. All of this explains why we need Him so much. We can't have real life, eternal abundant life without the light of God coming to save us from our sins. We can't live like Jesus without walking in His light. We would always flounder in sin, if it weren't for His convicting light. That is why the Bible says we should run to the Light and live in it all of the time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 2-3.