What God Says About You
Many people are good at bragging about themselves and self-promotion. It seems that they think if they don't assert themselves by telling others what great things they have done, they will lose out on compliments and promotions. This even happens in churches and Christian ministries. Paul saw it in the church at Corinth after he left. Others came into the church preaching to make money and claiming to be better preachers than Paul. This was concerning to Paul, not so much to protect his reputation, but to protect the church from false teachers and preachers. Because of this the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to give them a golden nugget of truth, which we all need to hear. (II Corinthians 10:18) It should put the fear of the Lord in us.
What we say about ourselves means nothing in the Lord's work. After all, if we are really doing the work of the Lord, we must do it in His power and under His guidance. Therefore, He deserves all of the credit for anything we do in His name or for His kingdom work. What counts is what God says about us. That is what makes the difference. Yes, I know we will not know what He says about us until the day of Judgment, but I think there are other clues. If we do not promote ourselves, but we give the glory to God, He will show others our humility and worthiness for His work. We will be able to tell some of what God says about us from what other believers see in us, when God shows them our character. Yes, we will have some people who slander us and put us down like they did Paul. However, the majority of people will see through that if our character is steady and consistent over a period of time, and they see the fruit of our words and actions. I pray we will all serve God humbly and quietly. Then, we will find out what He says about us, and it will probably be good.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Corinthians 12-13 and Galatians 1-2.