We've Heard that God is With You
Even in this postmodern world people are looking for something supernatural to help them be fulfilled in their lives. In fact, people are willing to do some pretty strange stuff, because they are so unhappy. When they see someone who has it together, they are impressed. This is especially true when they see a person who has joy, peace, and love in abundance all of the time. Zechariah foretold a time in the future where people will see that God is with the Jewish people. They will hold tight to them and want to go with them and be blessed, too. (Zechariah 8:23) This is the Millennial time when Christ will reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. It will be a special time of blessing for the Jews, after they come to Christ. However, we should learn a lesson from this that will help us now.
People are skeptical about God. Most people don't believe in a personal God who is involved in our lives. They are very skeptical of absolute truth, too. They think all is relative, so that each of us gets to decide what is right for us and what is best. That is a terrible condition in which to live. People have no truths to guide them, and often, they reject the suggestion that anyone knows real truth. However, when they see people who are blessed by God, it gets their attention. As they observe our lives, as believers, they begin to know that the blessings come to us because God's with us. Then, they are curious as to how that happened to us and how it can happen with them. We can share the truth with their hungry hearts. When they stop to put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, God comes to be with them, too. The cycle continues as others see God is with them. If believers will show forth that God is with us like this, we could have many people grabbing our sleeves and wanting to go to heaven with us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 9-11.