King Jesus
We don't often think of Jesus as a king like we should. Jesus is Lord of all. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When we fail to remember that truth and worship Him as the King and our King, we miss the real Jesus. God revealed to Zechariah how King Jesus would present Himself to the world. (Zechariah 9:9) The prophet told God's people to shout and cheer, to raise the roof, because their king was coming. He was a Good King, coming to make all things right. He was a different kind of king, though. He would be a Humble King who would come riding on the colt of a donkey. Of course, when we read the account of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem one week before His crucifixion, that is exactly what happened. Let's us rejoice and never forget it.
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. He came to provide salvation to the Jews first and also to the Gentiles. He ministered for 3 years while discipling the 12 apostles. Then, after all of the miracles and powerful teaching that showed everyone He was the Messiah, Jesus went to Jerusalem. He rode in on the donkey in an unusual procession, but the people made it clear they were worshiping Him as the One who would save them, Hosanna. Then, the King of the Universe, gave His life for us. He set all things right by paying for our sins and rising again to show He was God, and He had conquered Satan, sin, and death. He did all of this while being completely humble, so God exalted Him and gave Him a name above all names. That is our King Jesus. If you don't know Him as your personal king, please bow before Him in repentance and faith before He comes again, which could happen any day now.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 12-14.