He's on the Move!
God is on the move. He is always up to something. However, many of us, even believers, can't see what God is doing. We miss it, so we think He is sitting idly by up in heaven while things on earth are not going well. That is what the people of Judah thought in Zechariah's time, also. They were having a hard time with their enemies back in the Holy Land. They were struggling to survive and to rebuild the Temple after the exile. Then, God came to Zechariah and gave him a very encouraging message for the people. (Zechariah 2:13) He told the people to be silent before the Lord. Don't do all of the talking, but listen. Something's going on in God's holy house in heaven. God was on the move. I believe the same is true today, but we have to follow this instruction or we could miss it, too.
When was the last time you were silent before the Lord, sitting in His presence with great expectation? That is what God wants us to do on a regular basis, even daily. We are good at talking to God, but do we talk with Him. Do we stop, get quiet, and sit in silence, so we can hear Him clearly? He is up to something. God is always at work in this world. He is always at work in our lives. We need to be assured of that reality, so that we are always expecting Him to do something in us, for us, or through us. When we hear from Him, He will show us what He is doing. Then, we can be excited about joining God in what He is doing. We can know He is on the move, and we will see supernatural things come to pass. I pray all of us will heed this admonition, so we can be a part of God's work in this needy world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 3-5.