Parents and Children
This past Sunday I shared a message about the family from Colossians 3:18-21. If you have any question about God's design for the family, I hope you will look up that message on our website and watch it. God is very adamant about the importance of the family. He told the prophet Malachi about the time before the Judgment day, and how it will be a time when God will call families back together. (Malachi 4:5,6) The Lord will send Elijah, the prophet, to clear the way for the Judgment Day, like Jesus said John, the Baptist, was Elijah who came to prepare the way for Jesus' ministry. (Not a reincarnation of Elijah, but a strong prophet like Elijah) That prophet will call for the parents to look after their children and the children to look up to their parents. If that doesn't happen the land will be under a curse. How I long for this to happen, even now. We need it so much.
America is being destroyed because of the break-up of the family as God designed it. There are fewer and fewer people honoring marriage, so many people simply live together without the commitment of marriage before God. Then, when people have children, they do not look after their children. They don't teach them and raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Many times the children are a bother and get in the way of what they want to do. All of this causes the children not to look up to their parents and honor them. This leads them to be more rebellious and out of control than ever. This kind of families spread their dysfunction to the culture. We need a prophet to come and call our families back to God's way, and we need to be mindful of what God could do if we do not listen. We do not need another curse on our land. We need God's blessings.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 1-4.