Why Choose to Die?
The ability for us, as humans, to make choices is an integral part of God's plan for His creation. Since we are made in God's image, we have the ability to choose which way we will go in life. We can decide to obey the Lord and His Word, or we can rebel against Him. The choice we make determines the consequences that God will give us. God drove this truth home to Ezekiel and to the people of Israel over and over. They had chosen to rebel against God, so they were headed for a severe judgment time and exile into Babylon. However, even after their dreadful sins, if they would turn around, clean house of their rebellions, and trust in the Lord, He would give them a new heart and a new spirit. (Ezekiel 18:30,31) The choice was theirs then, and it is ours now. Why would we choose to die in our rebellion?
Every individual is judged by God for the way we live. We are saved from our sins by grace through faith, as we trust Jesus alone for our salvation, turning from our sins and surrendering to Him as Lord of our lives. Then, when we die, we either go to heaven or hell based on what we did with Jesus. However, the Judgment Day will be a time when we give and account of our life. It will be about our words and actions, not our salvation. If we have lived an obedient life, we will get rewards in heaven. If we have lived a rebellious life, we will not receive rewards. The time is now for us to turn away from our sins and turn to the Lord, so He can give us a new heart and spirit. Then, the Judgment will go well with us, as we walk with Him daily. If we choose the opposite, the Judgment will be a very terrible time for us, even though we are believers. The choice is up to us. The time is now to choose to live for the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 20-22