Holiness on Display
God's plan for Israel was always that they would be different from all of the nations of the world, because they belonged to Him and kept His laws and commands. By doing this the nations would be drawn to believe in the One True God. This did not happen as God intended, because the people rebelled against His will and followed the pagan gods of the land. Therefore, there was no big difference between them and the other nations, so God had to punish them for not fulfilling His purpose. However, God told Ezekiel about a time in the future that He would gather Israel from the nations among whom He had scattered them and bring them back to Jacob's land. When He does that He will put His holiness on display through the people of Israel being obedient to Him, and all the nations will see it, as He originally designed it to happen. (Ezekiel 28:25) There is a direct application of this truth for us as Christians. Let's allow this truth to sink into our hearts.
God doesn't save us just to sit in a church on Sundays to sing and hear a message form His Word. When we are saved, we are set apart for the Lord; we are holy. Then, we are to begin to live out that holiness every day, so that we become more like Jesus and those around us can see Jesus in us and through our words and actions. That is God's purpose for every believer. When we do not display the holiness of God among the people around us, we are being disobedient to the Lord. Those around us are not drawn to the Lord by our words and actions, and God has to punish us for the sin of not fulfilling His purpose. I am convinced this is why so many believers are not joyful and victorious. If we are not living holy lives, we miss the joy of being used by God, and we incur His wrath, instead of His blessing. I pray we will be determined to live in holiness every day for all the world to see.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 29-31.