God's Name Dragged in the Mud
God is holy, and His name is holy, since it represents His character. The 10 Commandments tell us never to take God's name in vain. We are never to use His name in a way that does not live up to His nature by using it to curse or in a joke. Also, as His children, we must remember that whatever we do is a reflection on God and His holy name. If we fail to live by His standards, we are bringing down His name. It saddens God when we do those things. Israel did that over and over because of their rebellion and worship of idols. They dragged God's name through the mud many times. However, Ezekiel prophesied of a time when God will reveal His holy name among Israel, and He will not let His holy name be dragged through the mud by them again. Then, all nations will realize He is the Holy in Israel. (Ezekiel 39:7) All believers need to take this message to heart as we live each day.
What do people think of God because of how believers talk and live? I am afraid they do not think His name is holy, because we do not live holy lives, being like Jesus, as we should. In fact, the way we talk, our attitudes, and our actions often drag God's holy name through the mud. I pray we will see the seriousness of this situation. What we say and do does not just affect us and our families. It affects all of the people around us who need to the Lord. When we drag His name through the mud, we lead many people away from God by giving Him a bad name. Therefore, let's decide to live like children of the Holy One and let the light of His character shine through us for all to see.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 40-42.