Knowing Beyond Doubting
God doesn't want any of us to doubt His love for us. He wants all of us to come to know Him in a real and personal way, so that we know beyond doubting that He is our God, and we belong to Him. That was the message God gave to Ezekiel to deliver to the people of Israel, when He declared He would be their Shepherd, instead of the human shepherds, the priests, who had failed to care for them. (Ezekiel 34:30) He wanted to assure them that they were His people. This shows us the heart of God, and it gives us insight into what He desires for believers today. Let's consider this important lesson.
There are so many people who are guessing about their salvation. If you ask them if they are saved and their sins are forgiven, they will say something like, "I hope so, or I think I am." God never wants our salvation to be uncertain. He wants us to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, so that we know for certain we have been saved and have eternal life. (I John 5:13) He gives us the Holy Spirit. as the down payment for our salvation, and we know that He is in us because He convicts us of sin and leads us to do the right things. (Ephesians 1:13-14) If those verses were not enough, Jesus sealed it in John 10:28-30, when He declared that He gave eternal life to those who trust Him and no one could snatch us out of His hand or the hand of the Father. We are eternally secure in Jesus, once we turn from our sins, trust Him as our Savior, who died and rose again for us, and surrender to Him as Lord of our life. Then, we can and will know beyond doubting that we belong to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 36-39.