Loving an Adulterous Spouse
I believe one of the hardest things that God could ever call us to do, as believers, would be to love our spouse who had been unfaithful to us. When the sacred bond of marriage is broken, it breaks our heart in an indescribable way. I have never felt that hurt, but I have talked with many people over the years who have taken time to pour out their hearts to me about this. I admire the ones who gave their hurt to the Lord, forgave their spouse, and took him or her back. What a testimony of love! That is what God called on Hosea to do after Gomer had departed from him and been unfaithful. (Hosea 3:1) Of course, that is the main theme of the book of Hosea. Even if we have heard it many times before, let's let this message sink in deeply this time.
God loves His people with a love that is beyond anything we can imagine. Just think of how many times we have been unfaithful to Him. Think of the times that we have gone after other gods, things that we put ahead of our love and devotion to Him. Yet, He still sought us to return to Him. He still forgave us when we did come back. He did not make us second class citizens of the kingdom either. He loved much as He loves everyone. Now, this is the clincher. God calls on us to love others, just as He loves us. We must not hold grudges, or look down on people who have hurt us. We must not just expel them from our lives because of the hurt. We can do this and do it well, if we ask God to fill us with His love and forgiving Spirit. That is what He called on Hosea to do for Gomer, and He will help us do the same thing.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 6-8.