The Pollution of the Earth
I am writing this post to expose the most devastating cause of pollution harming this earth on which we live. No, it is not going to be about global warming or climate change. That is not our main problem. I am not going to detail the pollution of our land, rivers, and oceans, either. The main source of pollution is that people have broken the laws of God for the earth and living together as its inhabitants. It has been happening for a long time, but now it is getting to a critical state of affairs. Isaiah prophesied about this time almost 3,000 years ago. (Isaiah 24:5,6) The earth is polluted when we break its laws, disrupt its order, and violate the sacred and eternal covenant. Therefore, God will send a curse, like a cancer, to ravage the earth, and people will die one by one, paying the price for their sacrilege of forsaking God's order. Please, I pray we will all take this seriously.
I know that most people on the earth now do not know the Lord. They do not believe the Bible is God's Word. They think they can believe and do as they want, and if they are sincere in that belief all will be well. Of course, that is not true. There is only One Truth, and that is Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6) Every person on this earth knows there is a God, because God has shown Himself to them. (Romans 1:18-32) They are without excuse if they do not trust God. Also, they know about sin, whether they want to admit it or not, because they see how God punishes sin. What pollutes the earth and violates God's sacred and eternal covenant is when people turn from God, decide his ways are wrong, so they live by lying and violence to get their way. They end up destroying the earth and the people. Read all of this prophecy in Isaiah 24 and see if that is not what appears to be happening now. We may be living in the time of its fulfillment. If we do not have an awakening, things will get worse and worse until, no flesh would be left alive, if God had not brought the world to an end. (Matthew 24:22)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 25-27.