He's Done It All
Think of where we would be without God. First of all, we would not exist. The universe would not exist. There would be nothing here, something can't come from nothing, unless there is a All-powerful, All-wise God to bring something from nothing. We would not have a body, soul, and spirit, if we were not created in His image. We would not be able to think, love, and have meaningful relationships. Finally, we would not have salvation, because Jesus did it all to pay for our sins and to provide salvation by grace through faith to all who trust Him as Lord and Savior. Just like Isaiah told the people of Israel, as he delivered God's truth, He's done it all, and we should praise Him so the whole world will know. (Isaiah 12:5,6) Praise should be a constant in our lives, since we owe Him our thanks and praise for all we are and all we have.
Since we have started worshiping together again after our break for the pandemic, the praise and worship has been even sweeter than before. I believe we all found out what we were missing by not being able to join our hearts and voices in praise for Jesus. I pray we never lose this great desire to praise Him in song and in word, not just on Sundays, but all of the time. Yes, the Holy God of Israel lived among them in Isaiah's day, but He lives in us now. We could do nothing without Him.(John 15:5) He deserves our praise and the whole world needs to hear our joyful, sincere praise, so they will see what He has done, too, and be drawn to trust Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 14-16.
Since we have started worshiping together again after our break for the pandemic, the praise and worship has been even sweeter than before. I believe we all found out what we were missing by not being able to join our hearts and voices in praise for Jesus. I pray we never lose this great desire to praise Him in song and in word, not just on Sundays, but all of the time. Yes, the Holy God of Israel lived among them in Isaiah's day, but He lives in us now. We could do nothing without Him.(John 15:5) He deserves our praise and the whole world needs to hear our joyful, sincere praise, so they will see what He has done, too, and be drawn to trust Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 14-16.