A Government of Love
We are in the midst of a very contentious election year. In fact, I have never seen so much outright antagonism from both sides. It is a terrible situation for our country. Isaiah saw times like this. One such time was when God brought punishment to the proud people of Moab, and many of them had to flee from their country. They begged to be able to come to Judah and reside in a stable environment. The rulers of Judah told them that when the conflict was over, there would be a new "government of love" established. This government would be set up in the tradition of King David and have a ruler who was dependable, passionate for justice, and quick to set things right. (Isaiah 16:5) Some think this was referring to the coming rule of Jesus on the earth. Whoever it was talking about, I think that is the king of government we all would like to have.
God is a Loving King over all of His creation. He desires for us to have a ruler like Him who will establish a government of love for all of the people, instead of things being done out of pride and greed for money and power. This should especially be true in America, since we are supposed to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Sadly, our government is more for the benefit of the elected officials than for us. We need rulers we can depend on to do the right thing for the right reasons. We need rulers who are passionate for justice for all people, so they work to ensure a justice system like that. Also, we need rulers who are quick to set things right, when things have gone wrong, because they are committed to living by righteousness. That is the kind of government for which I am praying. However, it probably won't happen until we have a Great Awakening, since it will require a heart change for our leaders that can only come by the power of God. Will you join me in praying for such an awakening and such a government of love?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 17-20.
God is a Loving King over all of His creation. He desires for us to have a ruler like Him who will establish a government of love for all of the people, instead of things being done out of pride and greed for money and power. This should especially be true in America, since we are supposed to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Sadly, our government is more for the benefit of the elected officials than for us. We need rulers we can depend on to do the right thing for the right reasons. We need rulers who are passionate for justice for all people, so they work to ensure a justice system like that. Also, we need rulers who are quick to set things right, when things have gone wrong, because they are committed to living by righteousness. That is the kind of government for which I am praying. However, it probably won't happen until we have a Great Awakening, since it will require a heart change for our leaders that can only come by the power of God. Will you join me in praying for such an awakening and such a government of love?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 17-20.