Truth Turned Upside Down
We live in a crazy world. Isaiah lived in such a world, too. In fact, the people were doing the same kinds of things then that they are doing today. Isn't that in line with human nature? People have not changed. We keep making the same mistakes over and over again. One of the worst things we do is to turn truth upside down. God hates it when we call good evil and evil good. God is very upset when we call light darkness and darkness life, or we call sweet bitter and bitter sweet. (Isaiah 5:20) That is one of the reasons He had his people taken into exile and the country turned into ruins. We do well to learn from this history lesson from God's Word.
Truth is absolute, or it is obsolete. Truth is truth no matter where we are in the world. God has established truth in line with His nature and His wisdom. When we go against God's truth, we are going against Him. It is an insult to Holy God. He will take the insults for a while because of His mercy, but in the end He has to punish this sin severely. When we overturn truth, no one can see God clearly to trust Him. It leads us away from God. He loves us so much that He draws us to Himself. However, if we reject Him and His truth, we are lost and undone forever. As believers, we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, so it is up to us to preserve the truth of God. If we don't, we are helping the unbelievers turn from God. That is the opposite of what we are to do. Let's decide to pray for everyone to see God's truth, accept it, and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then, let's speak truth to all we see every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 8-10.
Truth is absolute, or it is obsolete. Truth is truth no matter where we are in the world. God has established truth in line with His nature and His wisdom. When we go against God's truth, we are going against Him. It is an insult to Holy God. He will take the insults for a while because of His mercy, but in the end He has to punish this sin severely. When we overturn truth, no one can see God clearly to trust Him. It leads us away from God. He loves us so much that He draws us to Himself. However, if we reject Him and His truth, we are lost and undone forever. As believers, we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, so it is up to us to preserve the truth of God. If we don't, we are helping the unbelievers turn from God. That is the opposite of what we are to do. Let's decide to pray for everyone to see God's truth, accept it, and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then, let's speak truth to all we see every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 8-10.