God's Answers to Our Prayers
I believe most of us don't realize the potential of our prayers to God. As I have said many times, we are not praying for our will to be done, but that God's will be done. When we do that, nothing is impossible. However, we must be willing to submit to His will, even before we voice our prayer for a need in any area of our life. God told Jeremiah about this in one of the most famous passages in the book of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 33:2,3) What God told Jeremiah was earth shattering in its significance for all believers. I pray we all know this already, but whether we do or nor, it bears repeating because of its dramatic potential.
When we pray to God, we are praying to the God who made the earth and made it livable and lasting. Think about that. God did not just create the earth. He created it in such a way that life could be sustained and life could thrive here. He planned for everything needed for life to last thousands of years. Consider the wisdom and power of such a God. It is beyond our comprehension, isn't it? However, when we try to grasp this, it shows us that when we sincerely call upon Him, He will answer us. We are not just speaking to the air, we are communicating with the One True God. When He hears us, He will tell us marvelous and wondrous things that we could never figure out on our own. In other words, we would not even know to ask for it to be done God's way, since His ways are so much higher than our ways. This truth should cause us to rejoice and to spend much time in fervent prayer to God for His will. Then, we can sit back and watch for those wondrous things to take place in us and around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 34-36.