Sabbaths are Important to God
When God makes a command, we should obey it completely, even if it doesn't make sense to us. We must realize that every command of God was given for our good, and He knows what He is doing. He is our Creator. He designed us, and His will for us is the best life anyone can have. Unfortunately, most people do not agree with this. We end up doing it our way many times, and we have to suffer the consequences. That is what happened to Judah. They neglected to obey God's commands, so God sent the King of Babylon to burn the Temple, break down the walls of Jerusalem, and take all of the valuables and the people into exile in Babylon. This is exactly what Jeremiah had prophesied would happen. He said it would be a 70 year exile, since the people had neglected to allow the land to have a sabbath rest every 7 years. This made up for all of the unkept Sabbaths. (II Chronicles 36:21) We better learn this lesson, because God has a way of getting what He commands we should do.
A Sabbath is a time of rest. God designed humans to need rest. In fact, it was so important that God rested after the 6 days of creation to show us He designed us for one day of rest each week. He put this as a command in the 10 Commandments, so we might realize the seriousness of it. God created the soil and crops, too. He knew the land needed a sabbath rest, too. Therefore, He called for Israel to allow the land to lie fallow every 7th year. Both of these commands were for their good, and they are for our good. We do ourselves great harm when we do not have faith that God knew what He was talking about. It is a faith issue. Any time we disobey God we are not having faith in Him, but in ourselves or something else. That is sin, and God always punishes sin, because He is holy, and He loves us. Many times His punishment leads us to dire consequences when we willfully disobey. Why not, just do it God's way? That is what we should learn from this event in history, instead of having to learn it from an event in our own life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 3-5.
A Sabbath is a time of rest. God designed humans to need rest. In fact, it was so important that God rested after the 6 days of creation to show us He designed us for one day of rest each week. He put this as a command in the 10 Commandments, so we might realize the seriousness of it. God created the soil and crops, too. He knew the land needed a sabbath rest, too. Therefore, He called for Israel to allow the land to lie fallow every 7th year. Both of these commands were for their good, and they are for our good. We do ourselves great harm when we do not have faith that God knew what He was talking about. It is a faith issue. Any time we disobey God we are not having faith in Him, but in ourselves or something else. That is sin, and God always punishes sin, because He is holy, and He loves us. Many times His punishment leads us to dire consequences when we willfully disobey. Why not, just do it God's way? That is what we should learn from this event in history, instead of having to learn it from an event in our own life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 3-5.