Good Roots for Spiritual Strength
Plants must have good roots if they are going to grow strong and produce good fruit. People are the same way. I believe we can tell if we have rooted our lives in the right things by the fruit of our lives. If we have a fruit problem, it is a root problem. What is your life rooted in? King Jotham of Judah was a strong king. He followed in the footsteps of his father, Uzziah, and his godly teachers. His strength was rooted in his steady and determined obedience to God. (II Chronicles 27:6) This is a great example for all of us to follow.
We live in a microwave society. We want everything to happen quickly. We want to take a pill or a shot and be healed instantaneously. When it comes to our relationship with God, some of that thinking can bleed over. We want to read a book and immediately be like Jesus. We want to spend a few hours or days in prayer, and then be spiritually strong for the rest of our life. The Christian life doesn't work like that. If we desire to be strong in the Lord, we have to be rooted in obedience to God. Obedience to God must be our focus. It can't be a weekly thought from a sermon or Bible lesson. Our obedience must be steady and determined. It must be daily obedience to God's Word and prayer. We must be determined to be intentional in our service to the Lord on a daily basis. Being steady and determined are the roots we need. We must not be intermittent and half-hearted, or else we will never be known as a person of strength. We are the only ones who can make that choice and put forth that daily effort. So what will it be for your life?
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 28-30.
We live in a microwave society. We want everything to happen quickly. We want to take a pill or a shot and be healed instantaneously. When it comes to our relationship with God, some of that thinking can bleed over. We want to read a book and immediately be like Jesus. We want to spend a few hours or days in prayer, and then be spiritually strong for the rest of our life. The Christian life doesn't work like that. If we desire to be strong in the Lord, we have to be rooted in obedience to God. Obedience to God must be our focus. It can't be a weekly thought from a sermon or Bible lesson. Our obedience must be steady and determined. It must be daily obedience to God's Word and prayer. We must be determined to be intentional in our service to the Lord on a daily basis. Being steady and determined are the roots we need. We must not be intermittent and half-hearted, or else we will never be known as a person of strength. We are the only ones who can make that choice and put forth that daily effort. So what will it be for your life?
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 28-30.