Every Believer's Need
During this time of social distancing and trying not to catch the Corona virus, we have had to reduce our lives to the essentials. We need to eat, but we're not going out, unless it is for pickup. We need to work, but we are probably doing a lot of it from home. We need interaction with other people, but we are having to use our telephones for that for the most part instead of having personal visits. However, I wonder if we are remembering the spiritual essentials that meet our greatest needs? When Jehoshaphat became king of Judah, he ordered an end to all of the pagan religious practices and tore down the pagan altars and shrines. This was a good start to get the people back to the Lord. However, then, he did another very important thing. He sent his officials, some Levites, and some priests on a teaching tour of all the cities of Judah. They took the Book of God's Revelation, the first 5 books of the Bible, and they used that as their text to teach the people. (II Chronicles 17:9) This led to a wonderful time of blessing for the people and the country as a whole. Have you still been getting your teaching of the Word of God during this time? I believe it is an essential, like eating food and working. Let's see why.
When Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, He was very specific. Yes, they were to evangelize, sharing the gospel with people and baptizing those who believed in Jesus as Lord and Savior. However, they were also commanded to teach all of the people all of the commands Jesus had given them. They were not just supposed to teach them, but they were to lead them to observe all of those things in their lives all of the time. Therefore, teaching God's Word is essential. That is why God sends us leaders to teach His people, like Jehoshaphat sent out to Judah. (Ephesians 4:11-16) It is why Paul commanded Timothy to preach the Word, doing it with all long-suffering and teaching.(II Timothy 4:1-4) If we are going to be strong, healthy, fruitful Christians, we must be taught the Word of God in a way that leads us to do it every day. Then, we can live in the center of God's will, having one of our essential spiritual needs met. Please, do not neglect the teaching of God's Word during this time, even though we can go to the church building. The teaching is still going on, but we must avail ourselves of it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 19-21.
When Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, He was very specific. Yes, they were to evangelize, sharing the gospel with people and baptizing those who believed in Jesus as Lord and Savior. However, they were also commanded to teach all of the people all of the commands Jesus had given them. They were not just supposed to teach them, but they were to lead them to observe all of those things in their lives all of the time. Therefore, teaching God's Word is essential. That is why God sends us leaders to teach His people, like Jehoshaphat sent out to Judah. (Ephesians 4:11-16) It is why Paul commanded Timothy to preach the Word, doing it with all long-suffering and teaching.(II Timothy 4:1-4) If we are going to be strong, healthy, fruitful Christians, we must be taught the Word of God in a way that leads us to do it every day. Then, we can live in the center of God's will, having one of our essential spiritual needs met. Please, do not neglect the teaching of God's Word during this time, even though we can go to the church building. The teaching is still going on, but we must avail ourselves of it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 19-21.