Cleaning up and Starting Fresh
I can't help but pray for America after reading these chapters in II Chronicles. We desperately need a leader like King Josiah, who will clean out all of the pollution that has spread throughout our country, and then, get us started fresh, serving and worshiping God and keeping to the straight and narrow way, following the God of our ancestors. (II Chronicles 34:33) I am not sure who that would be or how it might happen, but that is my prayer for our country. I would ask all of us to join together in this prayer, as we approach the National Day of Prayer, May 7.
Pollution is a terrible thing. I remember when the Yellow river where it crosses under Hwy 155 was a sudsy mess from all of the impurities in the water. Now, it has been cleaned up, and it is a nice place to walk and enjoy the beauty. We need to turn our attention to the moral and spiritual pollution now. We need to see a revival of God's people and an awakening in those who do not know the Lord, so that people see the truth and choose to clean the pollution in their lives and in our society. We need a return to God, the One True God. Yes, Jesus is the Only Way, and His way is the straight and narrow way that leads to real life. That kind of an awakening would allow America to have a fresh start and be used by God even more than ever before.That is my prayer every morning, and I try to do my part every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 35-36 and Ezra 1-2.
Pollution is a terrible thing. I remember when the Yellow river where it crosses under Hwy 155 was a sudsy mess from all of the impurities in the water. Now, it has been cleaned up, and it is a nice place to walk and enjoy the beauty. We need to turn our attention to the moral and spiritual pollution now. We need to see a revival of God's people and an awakening in those who do not know the Lord, so that people see the truth and choose to clean the pollution in their lives and in our society. We need a return to God, the One True God. Yes, Jesus is the Only Way, and His way is the straight and narrow way that leads to real life. That kind of an awakening would allow America to have a fresh start and be used by God even more than ever before.That is my prayer every morning, and I try to do my part every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 35-36 and Ezra 1-2.