What God Says, I'll Say
Many people are unable to give a wise response to others who ask them difficult questions. It is not that they are not smart, and they may even have a lot of experience in the matter about which they are being asked. The problem lies in their pride and self assurance. They think they are saying what is right, but they do not check with the Ultimate Authority. The false prophets in Israel fell into that trap. They wanted to please King Ahab, so they gave him advice based on their own wisdom and the fact that they wanted to be positive instead of being negative. They told him he would win the battle, but Micaiah, the one true prophet at that time in Israel, was called to give his advice. He told the servant who went to get him that he would say what God says. (I Kings 22:14) That is the only way to make sure we are giving another person the correct answer.
Now, I know not all of us are prophets, who hear from God and are able to speak forth His words to others like Micaiah. However, all believers have the mind of Christ. (I Corinthians 2:16) We all have the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, and we have the Bible, which is God's perfect Word. (John 16:13, II Timothy 3:16,17) Therefore, any of us, as believers, are able to give the answer to a question by saying what God says. However, we have to be careful that we are filled with the Spirit by giving Him control of our life. We have to ask Him to show us the Word of God, so we understand it correctly. Also, we need for Him to confirm to us the mind of Christ that is in us. When we do that, we can share a Bible passage, or give a Biblical principle that reflects the mind of Christ for that situation. Also, we must not say more than God says or less than God says. Then, we know we have spoken the truth of God, what He has said or would say about the situation.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 1-3.
Now, I know not all of us are prophets, who hear from God and are able to speak forth His words to others like Micaiah. However, all believers have the mind of Christ. (I Corinthians 2:16) We all have the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, and we have the Bible, which is God's perfect Word. (John 16:13, II Timothy 3:16,17) Therefore, any of us, as believers, are able to give the answer to a question by saying what God says. However, we have to be careful that we are filled with the Spirit by giving Him control of our life. We have to ask Him to show us the Word of God, so we understand it correctly. Also, we need for Him to confirm to us the mind of Christ that is in us. When we do that, we can share a Bible passage, or give a Biblical principle that reflects the mind of Christ for that situation. Also, we must not say more than God says or less than God says. Then, we know we have spoken the truth of God, what He has said or would say about the situation.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 1-3.