God's Glory Filled the Temple
Solomon completed the building of the Temple of God after working on it for 11 years. It was a magnificent structure filled with gold. He built it just as God had directed. Then, he had the Levites bring the Chest of God's Covenant into the Holy Place. When they left the Holy Place a cloud filled the Temple. The cloud was the glory or presence of God. The glory was so overwhelming that the priests could not do their duties at that time. (I Kings 8:10,11) It was an awesome sight, and it still has great implications for us today, even though the Temple in Jerusalem has been gone for almost 2,000 years.
God desires to be with us and have a close, personal relationship with us. He showed that to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, until they fell into sin. He instituted animal sacrifices to atone for their sins, so He could still have a relationship with people. Then, He picked one place to reside with the people of Israel under the Old Covenant. He lived in the Tabernacle first and then in the Temple in Jerusalem. That was a unique blessing for the people of Israel. Now that the Old Covenant is over and we are under the New Covenant, the Bible tells us that the body of each believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 6:19) God lives in us. It is His desire to fill us with His Spirit, as He filled the Temple with His glory. (Ephesians 5:18-21) We must submit ourselves to God fully, even as Solomon submitted the Temple to God that day. Then, His presence will be on us, and others will see and respond to the Holy Spirit filling us and speaking through us. I pray that all of us will be filled with the glory of God each day and be used greatly by the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 9-11.
God desires to be with us and have a close, personal relationship with us. He showed that to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, until they fell into sin. He instituted animal sacrifices to atone for their sins, so He could still have a relationship with people. Then, He picked one place to reside with the people of Israel under the Old Covenant. He lived in the Tabernacle first and then in the Temple in Jerusalem. That was a unique blessing for the people of Israel. Now that the Old Covenant is over and we are under the New Covenant, the Bible tells us that the body of each believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 6:19) God lives in us. It is His desire to fill us with His Spirit, as He filled the Temple with His glory. (Ephesians 5:18-21) We must submit ourselves to God fully, even as Solomon submitted the Temple to God that day. Then, His presence will be on us, and others will see and respond to the Holy Spirit filling us and speaking through us. I pray that all of us will be filled with the glory of God each day and be used greatly by the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 9-11.