It's Not a Private Party
I am afraid that it is easy for the church to turn into a private party for the members. We love each other, we come together to study God's Word, and we worship together. All of those things are great, but we are not doing right if we keep all of the good news of Christ and the blessings of salvation to ourselves. That is the lesson we learn from the lepers in the days of Elisha. They were going to die from starvation during the siege by the army of Aram. They took a chance and went to the enemy camp to ask for mercy. They found everything deserted, so they partied and looted the camp for themselves. However, guilt hit them. They knew they should not keep the good news to themselves, so they went to share it with the king and the starving people of Samaria. (II Kings 7:9) Then, everyone was able to have plenty of food and party with them.
This week is Holy Week. We are thinking about the crucifixion of Jesus on Friday and His resurrection on Sunday. This is the most glorious time of year for all of us who know Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Yes, we are grieved by the pain Jesus had to endure to accomplish our salvation by paying for our sins, but we rejoice that the Father raised Him to prove to everyone that He conquered sin, Satan, and the grave. Easter is usually like a party for our church family. We dress up, sing songs of praise, and we are so happy that Jesus has saved us. The problem is that Jesus told us not to keep the good news to ourselves. We must share it with the people all around us. Yes, we have the good news, but it is not just for us. It is for all people, and we are the messengers of that good news. If we are failing to share it, we should feel guilty, confess our sin, and repent, so we start sharing it and including everyone in the party. That makes Jesus so happy and the party so much better. Let's all think of at least one person with whom we can share this Easter.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 10-12.
This week is Holy Week. We are thinking about the crucifixion of Jesus on Friday and His resurrection on Sunday. This is the most glorious time of year for all of us who know Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Yes, we are grieved by the pain Jesus had to endure to accomplish our salvation by paying for our sins, but we rejoice that the Father raised Him to prove to everyone that He conquered sin, Satan, and the grave. Easter is usually like a party for our church family. We dress up, sing songs of praise, and we are so happy that Jesus has saved us. The problem is that Jesus told us not to keep the good news to ourselves. We must share it with the people all around us. Yes, we have the good news, but it is not just for us. It is for all people, and we are the messengers of that good news. If we are failing to share it, we should feel guilty, confess our sin, and repent, so we start sharing it and including everyone in the party. That makes Jesus so happy and the party so much better. Let's all think of at least one person with whom we can share this Easter.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 10-12.