How Great is Your God?

King Hezekiah faced a huge problem. The King of Assyria was threatening to overthrow Jerusalem and take the people into exile. Assyria had conquered every nation they had come against. Now, they were coming after Judah and the city of Jerusalem. The King of Assyria sent a letter to Hezekiah through his envoys. They were very disrespectful and arrogant. Hezekiah read the letter with the threats. Then, he took the letter to the Temple of God to present it to Him and to seek His aid in prayer. He fervently prayed to the God of Israel. (II Kings 19:14,15) It is a good thing that Hezekiah's God was greater by far than the king of Assyria and his army. How great is your God to whom you pray to seek aid with your problems? It is quite important that we answer that question correctly.

When we pray to God, we can be praying to the One True God, or we can be praying to some lesser god that we have in our mind. If we have a small, weak god, then, our problems will seem insurmountable, and we will not believe that God can solve them. However, if we have the true concept of God, we will realize He is so much greater than any problem we will ever face. God is a very personal God. He was the God of Israel, and now, if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He is your God. He is seated in heaven on a throne surrounded by mighty angels, cherubim. They are worshiping and serving Him day and night. God is the One and Only God. There is no one as great as God. He is sovereign, in that He is ruler over all the universe. After all, He is the Maker of Heaven and the Maker of Earth. See what I mean? What problem could be too difficult for such a great God. Next time we pray, let's make sure we are praying to our Great God, and our problems will seem so small, and our faith will be solid and securely placed in Him.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 20-23. 

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