Counselors and Friends
David was a great king for Israel. He was God's choice. He was not perfect; in fact, he sinned badly on several occasions. However, he was a man after God's own heart, so he always returned to God in confession and repentance after his sins. David was a great military leader, too. He managed the country very well. How did he do all of these things? I assure you he did not do it by himself. Of course, he had God on his side, leading him. He also had counselors and friends. (I Chronicles 27:33,34) As leaders, we need counselors and friends to assist us in our leadership. I know this may seem elementary, but there are far too many leaders who try to do everything all by themselves, and they fail miserably.
We all need counselors because even though we think we can be objective about ourselves and the situations in which we find ourselves, we always have some kind of bias or subjectivity. This causes us to have blind spots where we miss reality. A counselor is a person who will tell us the truth about us and what they see. This brings objectivity and eliminates many blind spots. Also, we all need friends. Leading and living ares hard. Yes, the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. He is always there to be our strength. However, God said we need others to sharpen us and encourage us, lifting us up in the hard times. That is what a friends does. A friend truly cares, and that love builds us up. David even had a commander for his army. David was able to do that himself, but as a leader, he needed to delegate some things to other able leaders. That is a great asset for us too. Let's resolve to never try to do God's will by ourselves. Let's surround ourselves with counselors and friends. Then, watch to see how much fruit the Lord produces through our leadership.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 28-29 and II Chronicles 1.
We all need counselors because even though we think we can be objective about ourselves and the situations in which we find ourselves, we always have some kind of bias or subjectivity. This causes us to have blind spots where we miss reality. A counselor is a person who will tell us the truth about us and what they see. This brings objectivity and eliminates many blind spots. Also, we all need friends. Leading and living ares hard. Yes, the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. He is always there to be our strength. However, God said we need others to sharpen us and encourage us, lifting us up in the hard times. That is what a friends does. A friend truly cares, and that love builds us up. David even had a commander for his army. David was able to do that himself, but as a leader, he needed to delegate some things to other able leaders. That is a great asset for us too. Let's resolve to never try to do God's will by ourselves. Let's surround ourselves with counselors and friends. Then, watch to see how much fruit the Lord produces through our leadership.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 28-29 and II Chronicles 1.