Confessing God's Goodness and Love
The people around us every day need to know the Lord. They need to know His nature and His love. Most will never read a Bible or go to church, unless they meet a believer who builds a relationship with them and shares with them. That is our responsibility. We are to confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and to tell others how good God is and how His love never changes. That is what the Israelites did when Solomon finished dedicating the Temple and the fire of God fell to consume the sacrifices. (II Chronicles 7:3) We need to be intentional about giving this witness every day.
If we have been Christians very long, we can affirm that God is good. He never does the wrong thing. He always works "all things" together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) He always goes before us to prepare our way, and as we trust Him, we see His goodness more and more in our everyday lives. Then, we become assured that His love never quits. Even after we have tragedies, we see His love poured out on us and those around us. Just think of all of the times the fire of God has fallen in your life. Not a literal fire, but God has made Himself known to you, and you have felt His great goodness and love in a tangible way. We need to share that confession with those we meet each day, giving them concrete examples of how God has been good to us and always loves us so well. Then, they can come to know Him, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 8-11.
If we have been Christians very long, we can affirm that God is good. He never does the wrong thing. He always works "all things" together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) He always goes before us to prepare our way, and as we trust Him, we see His goodness more and more in our everyday lives. Then, we become assured that His love never quits. Even after we have tragedies, we see His love poured out on us and those around us. Just think of all of the times the fire of God has fallen in your life. Not a literal fire, but God has made Himself known to you, and you have felt His great goodness and love in a tangible way. We need to share that confession with those we meet each day, giving them concrete examples of how God has been good to us and always loves us so well. Then, they can come to know Him, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 8-11.