God's Choice - The Best
God's people wanted a king. He tried to persuade them to change their minds, but they wouldn't. Therefore, God chose Saul to be their first king. Saul was not well known or influential before being selected. However, God chose Saul because He knew he was the best one to be king at that time. When the people saw that there was no one like Saul in the whole country, they gave a great shout and blessed him by saying, "Long live the king." (I Samuel 10:24) This should cause all of us to stop and think about how God does things in our world today.
The Bible is so clear that we should all be in subjection to the governing authorities, because He has established them. (Romans 13:1) We are to pray for them always, asking God to use them well, so we can live our lives well. (I Timothy 2:1-2) Just like Saul, God has chosen them because He knows they are the best for the country at this time. He knows their abilities, and He gives them what they need to lead the people well. We can be assured that God works on their hearts to lead them to do the right things in the right way. However, some choose not to do things God's way, and even though they were the best, things don't turn out well. At other times the people do not pray and follow, so the right things are not accomplished. It takes a combination of both. As I write this, our president has declared a National Day of Prayer for Sunday, March 15, as our country faces serious physical and economic dangers. Turning to God is the best thing for our leaders and our people to do all of the time. I hope you will join me in praying for our president and other leaders, as well as, for God's protection and provision for our country.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 12-14.
The Bible is so clear that we should all be in subjection to the governing authorities, because He has established them. (Romans 13:1) We are to pray for them always, asking God to use them well, so we can live our lives well. (I Timothy 2:1-2) Just like Saul, God has chosen them because He knows they are the best for the country at this time. He knows their abilities, and He gives them what they need to lead the people well. We can be assured that God works on their hearts to lead them to do the right things in the right way. However, some choose not to do things God's way, and even though they were the best, things don't turn out well. At other times the people do not pray and follow, so the right things are not accomplished. It takes a combination of both. As I write this, our president has declared a National Day of Prayer for Sunday, March 15, as our country faces serious physical and economic dangers. Turning to God is the best thing for our leaders and our people to do all of the time. I hope you will join me in praying for our president and other leaders, as well as, for God's protection and provision for our country.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 12-14.