The Extravagance of God's Loyal Love
God established His covenant with the people of Israel beginning with Abraham, then Isaac, and then Jacob and his sons. The people were never perfect in their faith, but they did trust the Lord. Over and over again, God forgave them of their sins, as they failed to obey Him or even openly rebelled. Then, when Moses was established by God to lead them out of Egypt after the great deliverance through Joseph, the people saw the salvation of God, as they crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. However, they still doubted God, and they failed to obey Him and enter the land of Promise, Canaan. God was so angry that He could have destroyed them and started over with Moses. However, Moses appealed to the extravagance of His loyal love, and God forgave them one more time. (Numbers 14:19) There is a great lesson in this for all believers.
Once God has delivered us from the bondage of our sins and taken us out of Egypt, so to speak, then we live in covenant with Him by knowing Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We start as babes in Christ, learning and growing. This is a slow process for many of us, and we fail often, as Israel did. However, God's extravagant loyal love, leads Him to forgive us, and He does. Even when we rebel against Him and disobey blatantly, He forgives us. We are still His children, and we have a home in heaven with Him. This is truly extravagant love. However, one aspect of that loyal love is that He still gives us consequences of our sins, so we will be reminded constantly not to sin, like Israel having to wander in the wilderness 40 years. Still, He is with us in the deserts of life, giving us His extravagant love by showering us with manna, meat, and water for our journey. All of this for the purpose of loving us and leading us to love Him back the way we should, Let's all stop today and thank God for His extravagant loyal love!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 16-18.
Once God has delivered us from the bondage of our sins and taken us out of Egypt, so to speak, then we live in covenant with Him by knowing Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We start as babes in Christ, learning and growing. This is a slow process for many of us, and we fail often, as Israel did. However, God's extravagant loyal love, leads Him to forgive us, and He does. Even when we rebel against Him and disobey blatantly, He forgives us. We are still His children, and we have a home in heaven with Him. This is truly extravagant love. However, one aspect of that loyal love is that He still gives us consequences of our sins, so we will be reminded constantly not to sin, like Israel having to wander in the wilderness 40 years. Still, He is with us in the deserts of life, giving us His extravagant love by showering us with manna, meat, and water for our journey. All of this for the purpose of loving us and leading us to love Him back the way we should, Let's all stop today and thank God for His extravagant loyal love!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 16-18.