Putting a Stop to Endless Grumbling
The people of Israel were good at grumbling. They did a lot of it when they left Egypt. This is an amazing fact, since they saw God do some of the most amazing miracles in the history of the world. They should have trusted God explicitly, but instead, they grumbled against Him and Moses. Finally, God just got tired of all of their grumbling against Moses and Aaron. He had the leader of each tribe bring a staff to the Tent of Meeting. The next day Aaron's' rod had budded, bloomed, and produced almonds. This was to show God's favor on him and his family, and to stop the grumbling against them. (Numbers 17:5) What should that say to us today?
God hates grumbling. Grumbling is the opposite to faith, so it never pleases Him. When we grumble, God gets tired of hearing us. He tries to show us not to grumble, but to trust Him. However, when we just won't listen, God will do something to prove Himself to us. However, even when He does something unusual, some of us don't get the message. We continue to complain, and finally, God has to punish us. Let's decide not to grumble. Let's decide to look on the bright side and trust the Lord through the trials. Let's be good witnesses of faith in God to all the people around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 19-21.
God hates grumbling. Grumbling is the opposite to faith, so it never pleases Him. When we grumble, God gets tired of hearing us. He tries to show us not to grumble, but to trust Him. However, when we just won't listen, God will do something to prove Himself to us. However, even when He does something unusual, some of us don't get the message. We continue to complain, and finally, God has to punish us. Let's decide not to grumble. Let's decide to look on the bright side and trust the Lord through the trials. Let's be good witnesses of faith in God to all the people around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 19-21.