Greater Works than These

Jesus gave His disciples an amazing promise before He went to the cross, rose again, and ascended back to heaven. What He told His disciples applies to all of us who believe in Him. This promise should give us all the realization of what God wants to do in and through all of His children after we get saved. Jesus told them that whoever believes in Him will do the works that He did, and even greater works than those, because He went back to the Father. (John 14:12) I pray that we can all see what Jesus was telling them and what He is saying to us today.

Jesus was Lord of all when He was on the earth with His disciples for those three plus years. While He was here, He did all types of miracles, taught the Word of God with authority, and saw many people come to believe in Him. However, His work was limited, because He was in a body, so He could only be in one place at a time. Once He ascended to the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to inhabit all believers. The Holy Spirit is with us 24/7, and we have a direct connection to the Lord. Therefore, we are to do the same works Jesus did while He was here in the power of the Spirit, and we can do even greater works, because of the Holy Spirit. Yes, we can do miracles, if that is God's will for us. We can teach even more people than Jesus did because of technology. We can see more people saved than Jesus saw in His time, because we have so many resources to use by the power of the Spirit. Please, let's not think we are weak and not able to do anything for God. Let's take His promise seriously, and let His Spirit work through us to do greater things than we ever thought possible.

Tomorrow, I intend to read John 15-17.

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