God's Benefit Package

Many people are very concerned about their health benefits and their retirement benefits. We wonder if we have enough health insurance and if we are laying aside enough money for our future needs. This occupies a lot of time and energy for some people, and others are constantly worrying about such things. We want to know we have security. Well, I have great news for all of us. God's benefit package is fantastic and it includes security for eternity. (Luke 18:29,30) Jesus assured His disciples of this, and He made it plain that it is possible for all people to become part of God's benefit plan.

The disciples heard Jesus tell the rich young man to sell all he had and follow Him to be saved. The young man would not do this and went away sad. However, Peter spoke up saying that they had left what they had to follow Jesus. Jesus replied to Peter with a great promise. Jesus assured Peter that no matter what we leave because of the kingdom of God, we would receive much more here at this time and eternal life in the age to come. In other words, if we give ourselves fully to follow Jesus as Lord of our life, so that we are willing to go and do whatever He asks us to do for the kingdom of God, He will take care of us. When we lose our life like that, we are saved from our sins, so we have eternal life, and we receive what we need here in this life. Now, I would say that is a great benefit package from the Lord of the universe. What about you? Are you trying to hold on to all you have, so you won't run out of anything, or are you giving all you have to Jesus, so you can receive His benefits forever? I want us all to know there is no greater package of benefits anywhere than the benefits of God for following the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 19-21.

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