Is Your Heart Weighed Down?

Many people are walking around with heavy hearts. They are weighed down by all kinds of cares and anxiety over various things. For some people it lasts so long and becomes so severe that it turns into clinical depression. I pray that never happens to any of us, but it does happen all around us. We need to realize the cause and the cure for having a heart that is weighed down. (Proverbs 12:25) That way we can prevent it from getting so serious.

Anxiety is a terrible thing. Sometimes it is simply worry. Most of the time we worry about things that never happen. Some people love to worry. It is the way they fill up their time. However, if they let worry occupy their hearts, it weighs them down. The same is true for any type of anxiety. It could be fear of people or fear of rejection. Any kind of fear will weigh us down. That is why the Lord commands us not to worry, but to pray instead. (Philippians 4:6,7) Worry never helps, and prayer always helps. Also, we need to stop and remember that believers are not to have a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (II Timothy 1: 7) Therefore, we should depend on the Lord to remove the fears, and give us His power. Finally, we should realize that a "good word" cheers up our heart. Good words can come in a lot of forms. God's Word is a good word. Words of encouragement and love are good words that will lift us up. We need to surround ourselves with people who will speak good, uplifting words to us all of the time, instead of being weighed down by negative, bad words. This is one reason we have church families. We are to build each other up and encourage each other to be godly, positive people. I pray this helps all of us see the cause and cure for a heavy heart. May God give each of us His peace that passes all understanding.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 13-15.

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