The Most High is Awe-Inspiring
I have seen a few sights in my life which were awe-inspiring. I have looked up into the clear night sky out west and seen millions of stars. I have stood on mountains where it seemed I could see a thousand miles. Then, I have gazed upon the hill where my Savior died on the rugged cross for my sins. That made me completely speechless. However, I am constantly in awe of the Most High God, and it always invokes that awe when I express my praise to Him. I believe the psalmist had the same awe during his times of worship. (Psalm 47:1,2) How about you?
On this Lord's Day I pray we will take the words of the psalmist to heart. I urge all of us to join with other believers to clap our hands to the Lord and give a jubilant shout, because of our awe for the God who loves us enough to send Jesus to redeem us from our sins and give us eternal life. I pray we will all gather to worship the King of the whole earth. After all, there is no one greater than our God, and we must stand in awe of Him. Begin to prepare your heart right now, so once you enter His presence, you can be filled with awe and shout His praises for all to hear.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 50-52.
On this Lord's Day I pray we will take the words of the psalmist to heart. I urge all of us to join with other believers to clap our hands to the Lord and give a jubilant shout, because of our awe for the God who loves us enough to send Jesus to redeem us from our sins and give us eternal life. I pray we will all gather to worship the King of the whole earth. After all, there is no one greater than our God, and we must stand in awe of Him. Begin to prepare your heart right now, so once you enter His presence, you can be filled with awe and shout His praises for all to hear.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 50-52.