A Flourishing Olive Tree
If you were asked to choose a plant to describe your life right now, what would you choose? Would it be a dried up flower that has lost its beauty? Maybe it would be a small sapling growing up to be what God intended for it to be. When David gave us a description of his life, he said he was like a "flourishing olive tree" in the house of God. (Psalm 52:8,9) Now, that is a fantastic picture for all of us to consider.
I saw a lot of olive trees in Israel. I even saw some planted by church buildings. They live for a long time, and when they are flourishing, they produce many olives and much olive oil. Olive oil was and is very valuable, and it is very healthy for us. God even uses olive trees to represent His people, and olive oil to symbolize the Holy Spirit. If we are like a flourishing olive tree, we are growing as a child of God, and we are being led by the anointing of His Spirit to do His will and bear fruit. We can't take any credit for our health and fruit; it is all because of God's faithful love for us, and our trust in Him. That is why if we are flourishing in the Lord, we should praise Him and not take any credit for ourselves. Then, we should continue to place our hope in Him and in His name. He is our Source for all we have and all we need. I pray we will all stop to consider what God has done for us, like David did, and give Him praise for all of it, as we keep trusting and growing every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 53-55.
I saw a lot of olive trees in Israel. I even saw some planted by church buildings. They live for a long time, and when they are flourishing, they produce many olives and much olive oil. Olive oil was and is very valuable, and it is very healthy for us. God even uses olive trees to represent His people, and olive oil to symbolize the Holy Spirit. If we are like a flourishing olive tree, we are growing as a child of God, and we are being led by the anointing of His Spirit to do His will and bear fruit. We can't take any credit for our health and fruit; it is all because of God's faithful love for us, and our trust in Him. That is why if we are flourishing in the Lord, we should praise Him and not take any credit for ourselves. Then, we should continue to place our hope in Him and in His name. He is our Source for all we have and all we need. I pray we will all stop to consider what God has done for us, like David did, and give Him praise for all of it, as we keep trusting and growing every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 53-55.