Only You Can Atone
All of us are weak. We become afraid of all kinds of things. We lie, cheat, and steal in various ways, along with all kinds of other sins. There are other times that we just feel lost, and we do not know what to do. I am sure we can all relate to these weaknesses. When those things happen, we all have the tendency to pray to God and ask Him for His help. I feel quite certain that happens even with people who do not really believe in God. David told us this truth and other valuable truths. He affirmed all humanity will come to God, the One who hears prayer. (Psalm 65:2,3) However, the main time we go to God in prayer is when we feel guilt for our sins, and we know we need His forgiveness. Let's see what King David showed us about that.
Just like David, our iniquities or sins overwhelm us. We know in our heart that we can't do anything to wash our heart clean. We can't get rid of the guilt. It builds up until it becomes overwhelming. Then, we pray to God, because we know He is the Only One who can atone for our rebellions. The word "atone" means to make it right between us and God. The easy easy to remember the meaning is to think about being "at one" with God. The Lord is the Only One who can wash away our sins, so we are in fellowship with Him. In the Old Covenant this atonement required the blood of an innocent animal to be shed. The blood covered the sins, and atonement was achieved. However, the ultimate atonement was the death of Jesus Christ, the God/Man, who came to shed His perfect, sinless blood for all sins. He is the Only Way to be made right with God now. We have to turn from our sins, trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior, who died for us, and surrender to Him as Lord of our life. Then, He cleanses us from all of our sins, and we are free from the guilt and able to talk with God any time for anything.#nhbaptistdotorg
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 66-69.
Just like David, our iniquities or sins overwhelm us. We know in our heart that we can't do anything to wash our heart clean. We can't get rid of the guilt. It builds up until it becomes overwhelming. Then, we pray to God, because we know He is the Only One who can atone for our rebellions. The word "atone" means to make it right between us and God. The easy easy to remember the meaning is to think about being "at one" with God. The Lord is the Only One who can wash away our sins, so we are in fellowship with Him. In the Old Covenant this atonement required the blood of an innocent animal to be shed. The blood covered the sins, and atonement was achieved. However, the ultimate atonement was the death of Jesus Christ, the God/Man, who came to shed His perfect, sinless blood for all sins. He is the Only Way to be made right with God now. We have to turn from our sins, trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior, who died for us, and surrender to Him as Lord of our life. Then, He cleanses us from all of our sins, and we are free from the guilt and able to talk with God any time for anything.#nhbaptistdotorg
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 66-69.