God Shows No Partiality

There is a valuable lesson that all of us need to learn. Peter did not learn it until he saw the vision of all types of animals, reptiles, and birds lowered on a sheet before him. Since Peter was hungry, God told him to kill some and eat. However, some of the animals, reptiles, and birds were unclean according to the Law, so they were not to be eaten by the Jewish people.  Then, the voice of God told him, "What God has made clean, do not call common." God was showing him this because the representatives of the Roman Centurion, Cornelius, were about to approach him and ask him to go to their commander's house with them. If Peter had not learned this lesson, he would have refused to go to the Gentiles who were "unclean people." Instead, he accepted the invitation, went to speak at Cornelius's house, and told the people there that God shows no partiality, but anyone of any nation who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to God. (Acts 10:34,35)I pray that we have seen this truth, so that we are not prejudiced toward anyone in the world.

Humans have the tendency to be prejudiced against some people and for other people. The reasons for being prejudiced vary, but the result is the same. We end up judging people for their outward appearance, their race, or their religion, before we even get to know them. God never does this. God looks at the heart of each individual, and His judgement is based on what is in their heart, not their skin, clothes, or place of birth. God made each one in His image, and they are all precious to Him, so they should be precious to us, as believers. We should do all that we can do to show the love of Christ to every person with whom we come into contact. Then, if they respond by fearing God, which is respecting what He says, and following Him to do the right things, He will accept them. Of course, He will show them that Jesus is Lord and they need to trust Him as Lord, and keep the commandments of the Lord. For us to do anything less is a grievous sin before the Lord.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 11-13.

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