Having Our Spirits Stirred by God
I believe we need to be stirred up by God today. He is the One who can do it, too. He knows just how to stir our spirits. When He does that we see a revival in God's people coming to life to do the will of God to build His kingdom. Haggai saw that after he proclaimed God's words to the people who had returned to Jerusalem from the exile in Babylon. (Haggai 1:14) It was beautiful to behold then, and it would be a great sight today.
It is easy for God's people to become complacent and fail to do the work of the Lord. We can even get self-centered where we are concerned about our needs, but we are not concerned about what the Lord wants or what other people need. Those two things had infected God's people in Haggai's time, and we see it today. The word of God was proclaimed to them, and it is being proclaimed today in many churches, so that we are being called to repent of these sins and do God's work. The problem is that the people of God have to decide to obey the word of God. The people of Haggai's day did obey, and God was so pleased that He stirred the spirits of the leaders and all of the people. The work of God was done, and they were energized to do the best they could for the Lord and His kingdom. I pray that we would decide to obey now, and that we would see a true revival by the stirring of God. Will you join me in obeying the word of the Lord and getting to His work? That is the first step, without which we live never see this happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Haggai 2 and Zechariah 1-2.
It is easy for God's people to become complacent and fail to do the work of the Lord. We can even get self-centered where we are concerned about our needs, but we are not concerned about what the Lord wants or what other people need. Those two things had infected God's people in Haggai's time, and we see it today. The word of God was proclaimed to them, and it is being proclaimed today in many churches, so that we are being called to repent of these sins and do God's work. The problem is that the people of God have to decide to obey the word of God. The people of Haggai's day did obey, and God was so pleased that He stirred the spirits of the leaders and all of the people. The work of God was done, and they were energized to do the best they could for the Lord and His kingdom. I pray that we would decide to obey now, and that we would see a true revival by the stirring of God. Will you join me in obeying the word of the Lord and getting to His work? That is the first step, without which we live never see this happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Haggai 2 and Zechariah 1-2.