Speaking Forth God's Word
Speaking Forth God's Word
Micaiah was one of the only true prophets of God in Israel during the reign of Ahab. King Jehoshaphat of Judah agreed to go to war with Ahab, but he wanted to seek the Lord's will first. The false prophets encouraged them to go to battle. However, Micaiah delivered God's Word, as he always did. (II Chronicles 18:13) He told Ahab the battle would end in defeat, so he threw him in prison.
God calls on us to deliver His Word sometimes. We must be like Micaiah and say only what God says for us to say, nothing more and nothing less. We do not have authority, unless we share His Word. Today, the Bible is complete, so any believer can share God's Word by sharing from the Bible. At other times He gives us a special message to deliver that is in line with His character and His Word. Then, we must be careful to share only what He says to us. In this way we are godly messengers for the Lord. His Word will accomplish His will when it is shared correctly.
II Chronicles 19-21.
Micaiah was one of the only true prophets of God in Israel during the reign of Ahab. King Jehoshaphat of Judah agreed to go to war with Ahab, but he wanted to seek the Lord's will first. The false prophets encouraged them to go to battle. However, Micaiah delivered God's Word, as he always did. (II Chronicles 18:13) He told Ahab the battle would end in defeat, so he threw him in prison.
God calls on us to deliver His Word sometimes. We must be like Micaiah and say only what God says for us to say, nothing more and nothing less. We do not have authority, unless we share His Word. Today, the Bible is complete, so any believer can share God's Word by sharing from the Bible. At other times He gives us a special message to deliver that is in line with His character and His Word. Then, we must be careful to share only what He says to us. In this way we are godly messengers for the Lord. His Word will accomplish His will when it is shared correctly.
II Chronicles 19-21.