God's Providence
God sees everything that happens on earth before it happens. He is outside of time and space, so He can see all of history at once. With God there is no future or past, because He is eternal. Therefore, He plans by what He sees will happen in the future. That is why we need to trust Him completely. He will guide us correctly, if we trust Him every step of the way. God saw that Solomon would depart from Him because of his many pagan wives. He knew that Rehoboam would be king after Solomon. He knew how the new king would react to the request from Jeroboam, too. This would allow His word to Jeroboam to come true. He would be king over the 10 northern tribes, while Rehoboam would reign over Judah and Benjamin. (II Chronicles 10:15) This is how God works to fulfill His will and His word today, too.
There are no coincidences in our lives. Since God sees all ahead of time, His providence, He is able to work in the lives of all of the people in the world. He does not force us to do what we do. He is simply so All-powerful and so All-knowing that He can bring the right people together at the right time to do His will. Since He is All-loving, too, we can know that God always does the right thing to give everyone the chance to love Him and to trust Him. He always gives us every opportunity to do His will, but we have the freedom to reject His guidance and go our way. Please, listen to what God is saying to you and go His way. It is the only way to life and peace.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 11-14.
There are no coincidences in our lives. Since God sees all ahead of time, His providence, He is able to work in the lives of all of the people in the world. He does not force us to do what we do. He is simply so All-powerful and so All-knowing that He can bring the right people together at the right time to do His will. Since He is All-loving, too, we can know that God always does the right thing to give everyone the chance to love Him and to trust Him. He always gives us every opportunity to do His will, but we have the freedom to reject His guidance and go our way. Please, listen to what God is saying to you and go His way. It is the only way to life and peace.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 11-14.