As Prescribed
Solomon did the building of the temple, as prescribed by the Lord. This included the vessels and furnishing of the inner sanctuary. (II Chronicles 4:19,20) Each of the items had a special meaning, so it was very important for Solomon to obey every detail, as prescribed by the Lord. If he were to depart from the plan in the least detail, he would be failing to convey the message and the plan of God, which was critical. The same is true for us, as Christians, today.
Solomon made the golden altar where the incense representing prayer was burned each day. He built the tables for the bread of Presence which represented the very Presence of God in that place. Solomon prepared the lampstands and their lamps of pure gold to burn before the inner sanctuary to represent the light of God shining into this dark world. The list goes on, but we can see the meaning. Each piece speaks to a spiritual truth for this world to come to know that God is here, and He has a plan for us.
Each day we should do the prescribed things God has laid out for us. (Ephesians 2:10) In this way we carry out His plan to let others know about Him and come to know Him in a personal way. If we fail to do these things, as prescribed, we fail in our mission, and we miss out on what God wants to do in us and through us. That is why we must start each day with a prayer for God to show us what He has prescribed for us to do that day. Then, we set out to do it in His power and for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 5-7.
Solomon made the golden altar where the incense representing prayer was burned each day. He built the tables for the bread of Presence which represented the very Presence of God in that place. Solomon prepared the lampstands and their lamps of pure gold to burn before the inner sanctuary to represent the light of God shining into this dark world. The list goes on, but we can see the meaning. Each piece speaks to a spiritual truth for this world to come to know that God is here, and He has a plan for us.
Each day we should do the prescribed things God has laid out for us. (Ephesians 2:10) In this way we carry out His plan to let others know about Him and come to know Him in a personal way. If we fail to do these things, as prescribed, we fail in our mission, and we miss out on what God wants to do in us and through us. That is why we must start each day with a prayer for God to show us what He has prescribed for us to do that day. Then, we set out to do it in His power and for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 5-7.