The Kingdom of Jesus

When He was being tried, Jesus told Pilate that He was a king, but His kingdom was not of this world. It was in a totally different realm. (John 18:36) The spirit realm is very real. It is more real than this world, because it is eternal. We need to stop being so concerned about the kingdoms of this world. We should focus on Jesus and His kingdom, so we can be a part of His kingdom forever. That is what life is really about.

Jesus and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray before Jesus went to His trials and finally to the Cross. It was there that Judas brought the soldiers to arrest Jesus away from all of the crowds who believed in Him. Peter was zealous for his Lord, so he drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the servants of the high priest, Malchus. Jesus told him to put up his weapon, and Jesus calmly gave Malchus another ear to replace the one on the ground. That is the kind of king Jesus is. His kingdom is not to be protected by His servants fighting to keep Him safe. His death and resurrection purchased life for those who trust Him as Lord. His kingdom is about giving life through the death of Jesus, not killing people.

We must remember this today, as believers. We are not here to fight those of this world. We are here to love them, and to show them that Jesus is King of an eternal kingdom. Then, we show them the Good News that they can be citizens of that kingdom and serve Him as their king forever.

Tomorrow, I intend to read John 19-21.

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