His Spirit was Provoked

When was the last time that your spirit was provoked? What caused you to be provoked? Some people are provoked by others who are dishonest or mean. Others are provoked in their spirit because of hunger or suffering around them. Sometimes we are provoked in our spirits because of immorality or greed. However, I want to ask us all a question. When was the last time our spirit was provoked because of the lostness of the people around us? That is what happened to Paul in Athens, Greece when he first arrived and was looking around at all of the idols. (Acts 17:16,17) Let's learn from his experience  what should happen when our hearts are right with the Lord.

When Paul saw the idols of Athens, his spirit was provoked. He was not provoked to anger. He was provoked to love them. Paul was provoked to reason with whomever he could find that would listen to him in the Jewish synagogue and in the marketplace. He did not simply pray for them, as I am sure he did. He went to them with the truth. He reasoned with these people who were famous for their philosophers. He was not afraid at all. He was empowered by the Spirit when his spirit was provoked in him. Let's all pray that we will have that kind of heart that responds with the truth, when we see error. Let's us pray for a heart of love toward those blinded by idols of any kind, and let that love be the kind that shares the truth. Then, we can be used by God like Paul was in Athens.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 18-20.

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