You too, Be Ready
It is easy to go about life with a "business as usual" attitude. We can fall into a rut of doing the same things over and over. Also, we can get complacent, because we think we are fine, so we do not need to be concerned about anything. Please, heed the warning Jesus gave to His disciples and the people to whom He spoke while He was on the earth. Jesus told them to "be ready." To what was He referring? He told us many times to be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour we will not expect Him. (Luke 12:40) If we do not stay ready, we could be ashamed when He comes.
I know that we should not to be going to seed on the details of the book of Revelation, having our entire focus on prophecy. If we live that way, we fail to live by faith and do God's will in every area of our lives. However, the opposite kind of life is just as bad. If we think that no one knows when Jesus will come, so we do not need to be concerned about it, we could be caught unprepared as well.
What does it take to be ready for Jesus to come? First of all, we must know Him as our Lord and Savior, having repented of our sins and trusted Him, so that He has saved us by His grace. Once we know that, we must be living every day by grace through faith in Him. That means we tell the Lord daily that we can't live our lives without Him and His direction, and ask Him to show us what to do. Then, we must take one day at a time, being faithful to do each day, what He has set aside for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) If Jesus comes and finds us living like that, He will be very happy with us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 13-16.
I know that we should not to be going to seed on the details of the book of Revelation, having our entire focus on prophecy. If we live that way, we fail to live by faith and do God's will in every area of our lives. However, the opposite kind of life is just as bad. If we think that no one knows when Jesus will come, so we do not need to be concerned about it, we could be caught unprepared as well.
What does it take to be ready for Jesus to come? First of all, we must know Him as our Lord and Savior, having repented of our sins and trusted Him, so that He has saved us by His grace. Once we know that, we must be living every day by grace through faith in Him. That means we tell the Lord daily that we can't live our lives without Him and His direction, and ask Him to show us what to do. Then, we must take one day at a time, being faithful to do each day, what He has set aside for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) If Jesus comes and finds us living like that, He will be very happy with us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 13-16.