Should not Shepherds Feed the Flock?
God was very unhappy with the shepherds of Israel. They were feeding themselves, but not the sheep. (Ezekiel 34:1,2) I believe He was using this analogy, because He was upset with the priests taking care of His people. This is clear at the end of the passage. I believe pastors need to heed this warning today.
A pastor of a church must take responsibility for the care of the saints. He needs to lead them in the right way and feed them the Word of God. This is to prevent the flock of God from being harmed by false teachers. They must be clear in their teaching and preaching, so the people are fed on the meat of the
Word, not just the milk, so they grow spiritually strong. He should not care for his needs before caring for them. A pastor is to be an unselfish servant of the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 36-38.