O, Dry Bones
Ezekiel was given a vision of a valley full of dry bones. There were many bones, and they were very dry. However, he saw a great miracle. God caused breath to come back to the bones, and they lived. (Ezekiel 37:4,5) In fact, they assembled again into people. It was a vision of how God would reassemble the nation of Israel and breathe His Spirit upon them to give them spiritual life once again after the exile. It was a glorious revival like we need to have today.
We live in a day of dry bones. Many Christians are spiritually dry and very close to death. They need a fresh wind or breath of the Spirit to blow on them to give them life. The dry bones of dry churches need the Lord to send a revival of their dry bones to come together as growing churches. Some would say that it is impossible for the dry bones to live again, but God knows. He knows just what it takes for us to experience an awakening of the dry bones. We need to believe God and pray fervently for such a revival, so our whole country can see the power of God and come to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 39-41.
We live in a day of dry bones. Many Christians are spiritually dry and very close to death. They need a fresh wind or breath of the Spirit to blow on them to give them life. The dry bones of dry churches need the Lord to send a revival of their dry bones to come together as growing churches. Some would say that it is impossible for the dry bones to live again, but God knows. He knows just what it takes for us to experience an awakening of the dry bones. We need to believe God and pray fervently for such a revival, so our whole country can see the power of God and come to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 39-41.