God's people faced a very fierce enemy when the Babylonians came to destroy Jerusalem and take the people into exile. It was a time when Isaiah and other prophets called them to repentance, so the Lord would hear their cries and deliver them. However, they did not repent. Instead, they lived according to the philosophy of Hedonism they had learned from the pagan peoples of Canaan. Hedonism says, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." That is just what the people of Jerusalem said when called to repentance. (Isaiah 22:12,13) Unfortunately, the same Hedonism is rampant in America today, and people are perishing without even considering repentance because of it.
Partying is not the ultimate in life. Sensual pleasures are not what people were created for. We should not seek to forget reality by our pursuit of pleasures and our dulling of the senses. Instead, we should face reality, and consider the reason for our pain and dissatisfaction with life. Sin causes us the pain and problems. It does not solve them. When we realize sin is the problem, the only solution is to turn from the sins and cry out to God to show us the right way to think and live. Then, He will hear us, forgive us, and send the solution that is best for us. However, in the absence of any repentance, we must suffer the consequences of our sins which is ultimately eternal separation from God in a place of torment. I would urge all of us to reject Hedonism and listen to the Lord. When He says for us to turn around, let's do it, and see how He is able to make our lives so much better than they were when we lived by Hedonism.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 23-25.
Partying is not the ultimate in life. Sensual pleasures are not what people were created for. We should not seek to forget reality by our pursuit of pleasures and our dulling of the senses. Instead, we should face reality, and consider the reason for our pain and dissatisfaction with life. Sin causes us the pain and problems. It does not solve them. When we realize sin is the problem, the only solution is to turn from the sins and cry out to God to show us the right way to think and live. Then, He will hear us, forgive us, and send the solution that is best for us. However, in the absence of any repentance, we must suffer the consequences of our sins which is ultimately eternal separation from God in a place of torment. I would urge all of us to reject Hedonism and listen to the Lord. When He says for us to turn around, let's do it, and see how He is able to make our lives so much better than they were when we lived by Hedonism.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 23-25.