The Lord, Our Builder and Protector

As we celebrate Independence Day in America, it would do us all good to remember the warning of the psalmist. (Psalm 127:1) If we want our family, our house, to be on a firm foundation and secure, God must be the Builder of the homes. If we want our cities, states, and country to be secure, God must the Guard over them. There are no other viable options.

God established the family as the first human institution. God loves families, and He desires for all of them to succeed. He knows that His way is the only way that truly works for a family to be well grounded and secure, so it will last through the tests of time. Therefore, He is eager for all husbands and wives to call upon Him and ask Him to build their family on His foundation and according to His blueprint. Of course, they have to be active participants in the process, but it has to be God's hand building through them with His blessing.

God wants every government to honor Him and to succeed in protecting their people. The Bible is clear that God blesses the nations and peoples who honor Him. He also tells us that sin is a reproach to any people. Therefore, we, the people, must pray for our leaders and urge them to rely on God as our Protector. There are not enough troops, planes, or missiles to keep out the enemies, if it is not God protecting our country.

I urge all of us in light of this warning, that we take time today to pray for our families and our government to be faithful to God. Then, ask Him to build up our families securely, and to protect our country from our enemies.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 128-130.

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