Our Longsuffering God
All of the attributes of God are perfect, since He is holy, without sin. Of those attributes none is more important than the longsuffering nature of God. He is so much more patient and willing to wait because of His great love than any human being could ever be. Peter gives us a great example of this.(II Peter 3:9) Let's take time to admire and praise our longsuffering God.
God has promised that Christ will return to this earth to receive His own and to reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years.(Acts 1:11) Believers have been looking for His return ever since His ascension back to heaven. It is our blessed hope, because it will mean our deliverance from this sinful world to be with Him. However, it has been 2,000 years, and He has not come. Even in Peter's lifetime, people were getting impatient, and some were doubting His return. However, Peter set them straight and gave all of us the reason for His delay. God is longsuffering toward those who need Christ. He is not willing that any should perish, but He wants all to come to repentance. As long as He knows there is a chance for one more person to be saved, He will wait to send Jesus back.
Isn't that fantastic! We have a God who will not speed up His plans, because of His great love for people and His heart for those who don't know Him. Shouldn't we strive to be more longsuffering like God? The world would be a much better place if believers would cease pursuing our own plans and show genuine compassion for those around us headed for an eternity in Hell. Please remember, we are the hands, feet, and voice for the Lord Jesus in this world to make sure everyone has heard the Good News and has the opportunity to know Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 1-3.
God has promised that Christ will return to this earth to receive His own and to reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years.(Acts 1:11) Believers have been looking for His return ever since His ascension back to heaven. It is our blessed hope, because it will mean our deliverance from this sinful world to be with Him. However, it has been 2,000 years, and He has not come. Even in Peter's lifetime, people were getting impatient, and some were doubting His return. However, Peter set them straight and gave all of us the reason for His delay. God is longsuffering toward those who need Christ. He is not willing that any should perish, but He wants all to come to repentance. As long as He knows there is a chance for one more person to be saved, He will wait to send Jesus back.
Isn't that fantastic! We have a God who will not speed up His plans, because of His great love for people and His heart for those who don't know Him. Shouldn't we strive to be more longsuffering like God? The world would be a much better place if believers would cease pursuing our own plans and show genuine compassion for those around us headed for an eternity in Hell. Please remember, we are the hands, feet, and voice for the Lord Jesus in this world to make sure everyone has heard the Good News and has the opportunity to know Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 1-3.