March 20, 1970
On Palm Sunday just before my 15th birthday I finally surrendered to Jesus as Lord of my life and entered into a faith relationship with Him. That Sunday Rev. Arwood ended his message with a verse that gripped my heart, and I knew that I did not care what anyone else thought; I was going down to confess my faith in Jesus in front of the whole church. (Revelation 3:20) It is a day I will never forget. I met the Lord of Lords and the Kings of Kings that day, and once a person does that, he or she is never the same again.
Now I know that this verse was written to a lukewarm church that Jesus wanted to have intimate fellowship with. However, that day as our pastor rapped on the pulpit, I knew that the Holy Spirit was knocking on my heart's door to let me know that I needed to trust Christ as Lord, once and for all. I am so thankful He did, and thankful I did, too. I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to you through this verse if you do not have that personal relationship with Him. Then, you will have an experience with Jesus you will never forget, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 4-5.
Now I know that this verse was written to a lukewarm church that Jesus wanted to have intimate fellowship with. However, that day as our pastor rapped on the pulpit, I knew that the Holy Spirit was knocking on my heart's door to let me know that I needed to trust Christ as Lord, once and for all. I am so thankful He did, and thankful I did, too. I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to you through this verse if you do not have that personal relationship with Him. Then, you will have an experience with Jesus you will never forget, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 4-5.