God's Glory filling His Temple
God gave Ezekiel a detailed vision of a future temple, which Ezekiel measured and described to the people. At one point the Spirit lifted Him up and showed him the inner court of the temple, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. (Ezekiel 43:4,5) This shows us some special truths we need to keep in mind all the time.
The temple was where God dwelt with His people in the Old Covenant, and He will dwell there again at the very end of time. His powerful presence is amazing to behold, and at times the people could not remain in the temple because His glory was too overpowering. However, now all believers are the temple of the Lord, and He fills us with His Holy Spirit.(I Corinthians 6:19,20) He means for His presence to be so strong in us that it is obvious to everyone around us and at times, it is even overwhelming to us, as we think of His goodness and love.(Ephesians 5:18-21)
Has that been your experience as a believer? If not, it can be. Turn from your sins in repentance, and humbly submit yourself to the Spirit to fill you by taking total control of your life. God will honor that sincere prayer of faith, and His Spirit will take over your life in power, and you will be fully aware of His presence in you. Others will know it, too. God will get the glory for what He does in and through you. It is a fantastic way to live.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 44-47.
The temple was where God dwelt with His people in the Old Covenant, and He will dwell there again at the very end of time. His powerful presence is amazing to behold, and at times the people could not remain in the temple because His glory was too overpowering. However, now all believers are the temple of the Lord, and He fills us with His Holy Spirit.(I Corinthians 6:19,20) He means for His presence to be so strong in us that it is obvious to everyone around us and at times, it is even overwhelming to us, as we think of His goodness and love.(Ephesians 5:18-21)
Has that been your experience as a believer? If not, it can be. Turn from your sins in repentance, and humbly submit yourself to the Spirit to fill you by taking total control of your life. God will honor that sincere prayer of faith, and His Spirit will take over your life in power, and you will be fully aware of His presence in you. Others will know it, too. God will get the glory for what He does in and through you. It is a fantastic way to live.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 44-47.